Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fun progress made....outside the scale.

Today I put my first pair of size 34 waist shorts felt great to know that the progress is being made in other ways besides the scale. 

Have a great Saturday night!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June 14 - Week 15 Update

My progress this week was somewhat less than expected.  I actually kind of thought I would put up a big number on the terms of loss I mean, especially given that I was able to run a TON more this week.  In fact, I ran over 3.1 miles each of the last 3 days...but I guess it wasn't enough to pull a 4 or 5 pound loss.  My diet was basically the same as it has been as I don't know.  Either way, 2 pounds is 2 pounds and I did hit the 65 pound milestone.  I am on track to lose 5 more pounds by July 1...or a total of 70 pounds.  230 by 6-30..:) 

I have a Health Coach from my insurance company.  I just got a call this afternoon and they are excited about the progress I've fact, they want to do a marketing piece on my story.  I'm not sure what that means exactly, but I will keep you all posted.  Maybe I'll be on TV :)  not likely, but it COULD happen...right?  Anyways, we always talk goals, about once a month or my new goal is to be 220 by July 15...that's just over 5 weeks from now.  That will require BIG effort, but I think I can do it!

Comment's are always appreciated... have a great week!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 6 - Update

After an incredible week last week, I wasn't really expecting to put up much of a number on the scale...3 pounds might even be better than I was expecting.  I have pretty much settled into my new lifestyle.  I enjoy the food I eat so much more because I know I am eating things that won't harm my body.  The short term gain of eating something fattening or loaded with calories just doesn't seem worth it anymore.  I have also really started to enjoy my time at the Gym.  It's me time that I can just think about what's going on that day, the things I need to accomplish, and the rewards of a good work out.

One thing I have noticed over the course of the last 3 months is that everyone has an opinion on how to lose weight.  It's actually kinda funny to me.  Someone that clearly has not been on a diet for years or seen the inside of a gym for decades giving someone who's losing weight advice...but it's happened several times and it's incredibly funny to think about.  When I was 301 pounds, I never dreamed of giving someone advice on how to lose weight because I didn't have any credibility...however, now that I've lost over 60 pounds in just over 3 months, I have earned a little credibility and am able to help friends/family out with advice. 

With that, here's the results.  Total weight loss this week:  3 pounds, total weight lost to date:  63 pounds.  7 pounds to go in June...goal of hitting 70 pounds lost by July 1.  I think I should be able to hit it.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Weekly Update - *late*

It has been a crazy week, let me tell you.  I've been super busy at work getting ready to submit a forecast to our leadership team and corporate.  Unfortunately, that has made me very tardy at getting this update in about my progress this last week.  I had great news on Tuesday when I weighed in.  I lost 8 pounds in 1 week for a total of 60 pounds since March 1st.  What a cool milestone to hit 60 pounds in exactly 3 months... I love it!
So I have pretty much SMOKED the 230 by 30 (Oct. 21, 2011) goal... and I am almost certain I will hit 230 by July what will the new 30 goal be?  200 by 30?  Maybe that's too agressive?  Let me know what you think. 
New pictures to be posted in the coming weeks.  I have some great 'before' pics and will follow-up with the 'after' as it stands today.