Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Weekly Update 4.26.11

Going into today's weigh-in, I was pretty sure I hadn't done enough.  I had a rougher week from an eating perspective with the Easter holiday an all.  I thought maybe I would get a pound or two, but 4 pounds is completely unexpected.  I am estatic, don't get me wrong...but very surprised as well.

Here's the results:

This week's weight loss:  4 pounds, total loss to date (Mar 1 - April 26:  38 pounds!)

Keep running!


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Weekly Weigh-in Results!

Another great week!  I knew this would be fun week because I would get back into the 260's...a weight I hadn't seen for at least 6 or 7 years.  I feel AMAZING!  In fact, I was walking around this last weekend with my daughter on my shoulders and I didn't feel winded/tired/exhausted/etc.  I'm doing this for my family.  I AM NOT going to be another statistic.  With every mile run/walked or every weight lifted, I keep thinking about what it will be like to see my daughter grow old...and to hold hands with my wife in our 80's...and that's exciting to me. 
So with that, this week, I'm down another 4 pounds... I am at 267 now...  6 pounds to my 40 pound goal... I am going to try hard to get 6 pounds this week...it will be tough, but I will try! 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Weigh-in Results

This week was difficult in so many ways. I wanted to achieve the 5lbs loss mark this week so I could hit the "30 pounds lost" mark. I am happy to announce that I made it, but not without a ton of sweat, fighting the temptation to indulge on some good food at Dave & Busters, Granite City, etc.

I am finding that the longer I do this, the more it is becoming part of my daily routine. Getting up at 5:25 AM, working out till 6:30, out the door by 7:15-7:30 for work... that seems to work for me. What doesn't work well, is the food consumption. Eating too much, or eating the wrong kinds of foods has always been my templation, and I reckon that it always will... but in order to achieve goals, I must press on! I will win!

Total weight lost: 30 pounds
Current weight: 271 pounds.
Goal weight: 230 or less by Oct 21, 2011!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Human Heart & Weekly Update

So, the human heart is an amazing muscle.  I was on myfitnesspal.com and there's a heart/blood calculator on there that describes how much blood moves through the heart, and how long it travels throughout your body!  It's incredible to see how that muscle is really the lifeblood of our entire cardiovascular system...  All the more reason to protect it with frequent excercise and healthy eating!  Ready Set GO!

Will beat 147,583 times, pump 2,165 gallons of blood, and push that blood nearly 19,627 miles throughout my body!

Created by MyFitnessPal.com

BTW, I lost 3 pounds this week - Total weight loss:  25 pounds!  I'm at 276...only 46 pounds to go till 230...  Yippie!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Let's Dish!

Tonight, my wife and I will be making 10 meals for evening dinner for this month.  We "Dished" last month as well.  Let me tell you the meals are fantastic and they are ok in terms of Calories, Fat Content, and portion size. 

The BEST part of all, you can split the meals up into two portions (enough to feed 3) but we've found that there's still leftovers for work the next day!  At only about $10 bucks per split meal (feeds ~3), you can't go wrong!

I recommend using them for the following reasons:

1.  Portions are limited to the "Let's Dish" portion size.
2.  No guessing on nutrition info...it's published and available!
3.  Fast and easy to make evening meal.
4.  Reduces chances you'll be lazy and order a Pizza or "Go out"
5.  Saves MONEY!  As a Dave Ramsey follower, I'm all for saving cash - and 3.33/serving is a STEAL!

I'm not sure if you have an option for Let's Dish in your area, or a similar company, but if you do...try it out, it's well worth it.

Tomorrow is Weigh-in!  I'll be back!