Thursday, March 31, 2011

Progress Update!!!

I started my journey to lose 70 pounds by Oct 21, 2010 on March 1.  My co-worker and his wife challenged my wife and I to a "Biggest Loser" competition, which officially began on March 1, 2011.  It took about a week to get going, so we have been at it for just over 3 weeks today.

Progress thus far:

Week 1:  Starting Weight:  301, 12 pounds loss
Week 2:  Starting Weight, 289, 4 pounds loss
Week 3:  Starting Weight, 285, 6 pounds loss - I'm at 279 right now, Weight loss to date - 22 lbs.

Anyways, I'm extremely excited for the success I've had thus far.

So far, my trick has been counting every calorie I've consumed and burned in the Gym...and then, I have been going to the gym for about 45-60 minutes each day. 

I highly recommend using as a tracker.  They have a great Android Smart Phone Application and an Iphone app.


Monday, March 14, 2011

My road to Financial Peace & my weight loss journey

It's amazing how quickly your priorities change.  My wife and I have been doing Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace for 2 1/2 years now.  We've had great success.  We've paid off over $50k in total debt, eliminated all of our credit cards, and we've changed our lifestyle significantly in the area of our finances.  We're on the road to being completely done with our $120k debt by Christmas 2012.  This focused intensity has taught us how to examine every aspect of our money lives and make sure what we're doing each time we open our wallets aligns with our plans. 

Funny though, I went into the doctor on November 15, 2010 for a routine physical.  The doc had very strong words for this 300 pounder.  In fact, he told me that he was extremely concerned with my weight and my heart health.  Blood Pressure meds were discussed and I PROMISED to get my body in better shape.  Funny though, I never did anything about it.  I continued to eat the way I was eating (how much I was eating) and I didn't work out.  I am, by nature, a classic couch potato.  It wasn't until my company (a Healthcare Company mind you) provided a "know your numbers" biometric screen that it sank in that my condition mandated immediate lifestyle change.  Thus, my journey to 230 begins...  I don't want to stop at 230, I actually want to be in the "normal" BMI range (about 170) for my height, but 230 is doable in the 9 or so months between now and my 30 year birthday (Oct 21).  My wife is in too!  We signed up for a gym (again, about the 4th time...but this time is different).  We're counting calories, excercising each day, and ready to change our lifestyle forever!

So, we've learned that focused intensity can change our lives for the better in the areas of comes the more important area...our HEALTH!

Cheers -
